Jerry Ellis Notable Awards
Watercolor USA 2015 Invitational Exhibition
2015-16 Watercolor USA Invitational Exhibition November 22, 2015 - March 06, 2016.
Reception Nov. 20, 5:30 to 7:00 PM. At the Springfield Art Museum 417-837-5700
Watercolor USA 2006 Annual Exhibition
The Potomac Valley Watercolorists Award
115th Annual International Exhibition
Canton, Ohio
118th Annual International Exhibition
New York, NY
National Travel Exhibition 122nd Annual International Exhibition
New York, NY
High Winds Medal of Honor
National Travel Exhibition
123rd Annual International Exhibition
New York, NY
High Winds Medal of Honor
National Travel Exhibition
124th Annual International Exhibition
New York, NY
62nd Annual Exhibition
Laguna Beach Museum of Art
National Travel Exhibition
63rd Annual Exhibition
Palm Springs Museum of Art
National Travel Exhibition
65th Annual Exhibition
Brea Art Museum
Windsor-Newton Award for Transparent Watercolor
National Travel Exhibition
Kupferman Award for Watercolor
National Arts Club Gallery, New York, NY The Murray
40th Annual Exhibition
41st Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club Gallery, New York, NY
42nd Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club Gallery, New York, NY
The Audubon Silver Medal of Honor for Watercolor
43rd Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club Gallery, New York, NY
The Joyce and Elliott Liskin Award for Aquarelle
48th Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club Gallery, New York, NY
Muckenthaler Cultural Center
Past Presidents of NWS Award
77th Annual Exhibition
Brea Cultural Center Gallery, Brea, CA-Pro Arte Award
1st Annual Exhibition, Tweed Museum of Art, Duluth, Mn.
2nd Annual Exhibition, Tweed Museum of Art, Duluth, Mn.
3rd Annual Exhibition, Rahr-West Museum of Art, Manitowoc, WI- Merit Award
7th Annual Exhibition, Davenport Art Gallery, Davenport, Ia.
9th Annual Exhibition, Tweed Museum of Art - Internorth Foundation Award
10th Annual Exhibition, Nevile Art Museum - Green Bay, Wi.
21st Annual Exhibition, West Bend Art Museum, West Bend, Wi.
67th Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club Gallery, New York, NY
68th Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club Gallery, New York, NY
69th Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club Gallery, New York, NY
70th Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club Gallery, New York, NY
72nd Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club Gallery, New York, NY
89th Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club Gallery, New York, NY
Allied Artists of America Invitational, The Art Center, Springfield, Ohio
National Arts Club Annual Exhibition
National Arts Club Gallery, New York, NY
Watercolor U.S.A.
Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, MO - National Travel Exhibition
San Diego Watercolor Society
International Exhibition - Purchase Award and National Travel Exhibition
Northeast Watercolor Society
20th Annual Exhibition, John Pike Memorial Award
Adirondacks National Exhibition
American Watercolor, 14th Annual Exhibition, Old Forge, NY
Pittsburg Watercolor Society
36th Annual Exhibition, Pittsburg Center for the Arts
1st Annual Exhibition, Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS
3rd Annual Exhibition, Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS - Purchase Award
4th Annual Exhibition, Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS
5th Annual Exhibition, Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS
6th Annual Exhibition, Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS
7th Annual Exhibition, Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS - Dick Blick Award
8th Annual Exhibition, Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS Merit Award
9th Annual Exhibition, Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, Ks
Purchase Award Bank IV 14th Annual Exhibition
Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS
Dick Blick / Merit Award 15th Annual Exhibition, Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS
Purchase Award Emprise Bank
Water Tower Art Center, Louisville, KY
1980 Annual Exhibition Hazel Green Memorial Award
1981 Annual Exhibition, Old State Capitol, Frankfort, KY
1982 Annual Exhibition, J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, KY - National Travel Exhibition
1983 Annual Exhibition, Owensboro Museum of Fine Art, Owensboro, KY - Merit Award
1984 Annual Exhibition, Kent University Art Museum, Lexington, KY
1985 Annual Exhibition, McGrath Art Gallery, Louisville, KY
1983 Annual Exhibition, William Woods College, Fulton, MO - Merit Award
1984 Annual Exhibition, William Woods College, Fulton, MO - Third Place
1985 Annual Exhibition, William Woods College, Fulton, MO - Merit Award
5th Annual Exhibition, Louisiana Tech University, Rushton, La.
6th Annual Exhibition, Pensacola Museum of Art, Pensacola, Fl.
8th Annual Exhibition, Woodruff Art Center, Atlanta, GA
10th Annual Exhibition, Oklahoma City, Ok.
Marietta National Exhibition
Herman Fine Arts Center, Marietta, Ohio
Louisiana Watercolor Society
11th Annual Exhibition, J.R. Broussard Memorial Gallery Baton Rouge, La.
Mississippi Watercolor Society
Grand National Exhibition, Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, Ms., Merit Award
Watercolor Society of Alabama
Birmingham Museum of Art Birmingham, Al.
42nd Annual Exhibition -Purchase Award
45th Annual Exhibition -Merit Award
Rocky Mountain Water Media
Annual Exhibition, Golden, Co.
Spiva Art Center
1981, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88 Annual Exhibition Missouri Southern State College
Joplin, MO - Merit Award
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